Hospitals are a critical division within the disaster medical response system, and we work collaboratively with local government and other agencies to plan, prepare for, and respond to the needs of victims of natural or man-made disasters, bioterrorism, and other public-health emergencies.

Hospital emergency preparedness is a priority for SampsonRMC, as well as a key focus of accrediting and regulatory agencies. SampsonRMC takes part in county-wide emergency drills in collaboration with the Emergency Management Division of Sampson County to ensure our team and responders are ready for disaster.


Before severe weather strikes, you can take some basic steps to prepare yourself and your family for possible damages and power outages. Here are some things to consider in advance of a weather emergency:

  • Determine where you and your family would go in case of an evacuation
  • Know the locations of official emergency shelters 
  • Shelter locations are announced by Sampson County's Emergency Operations Center (910-592-8996)
  • Prepare any emergency equipment, such as flashlights, generators, and battery-powered equipment such as cell phones and radios
  • Buy non-perishable food and store fresh drinking water
  • Prepare an emergency kit
  • Prepare your prescriptions and OTC medications in advance

If you have special medical needs, such as oxygen, feeding tubes or durable medical equipment (DME), contact your DME provider in advance to ensure you have proper supplies.

For more information about emergency and disaster planning and preparedness visit

For more information about emergency and disaster planning and preparedness visit